hello fellow drummer!!!

Learn a new Drum Solo EVERY WEEK!

Are you ready to start jamming on your drums after watching a bunch of videos online? Let's add some drum solos to your practice routine! Learn how to play solos today that 'make sense' and that will keep you inspired to grow on the drums even more!

Get ready to never run out of drum solo ideas! Join us today and your drumming will never be boring again!

Are you stuck not knowing how to play a drum solo??? Are you stuck trying to learn drum licks online that are way too difficult or that you just don't understand?

Playing a good drum solo is not just about stringing together a bunch of random 'licks' or just playing as fast as possible. You need to know phrasing, you need solid tempo, you need to know which drum fills to use and when to use them. And the list goes on and on.

Congratulations! You're in the right place! When you start working on the drum solo of the week, you won't be overwhelmed with a ton of crazy, glamorous, irrelevant drum licks that you probably don't know what to do with any way. You'll start with the basics and then we'll progressively get you into more intricate and interesting drum solos that will enhance your groove, your flow, and will help unlock your creativity. I'm so excited to see what we come up with together! See you soon!

Never run out of drum solo ideas!

Just enter your name and email here to start playing a new drum solo every week! Make sure to check your Junk Mail (and change to 'not junk') if you don't see the solo in your inbox!

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